Kidney Stones- Stuff
Ok I went to the hospital emergency room last night. I went to be thinking ok I have a kidney infection or blatter infection, I'll go to the doctor in the morning. I didn't make it... at 3 am I woke my mom whom I'm living with and said watch my son... I'M IN MAJOR PAIN. I got there and they took their time taking blood and a urine sample. They also took an MRI. I have kidney stones, a cyst on my overie and hypokalemia (lack of potassium). They gave me morphine and some potassium pills and sent me to a OBGYN and Urologist. Like I don't have enough going on in my life- Ie I am currently seperated from my husband. Well that will teach me to eat my potatoe skins and bananas and drink cranberry juice. My first complication that wasn't really related to the surgery but I thought I'd share.
The good news is that I'm down 75 pounds.
Hi Laura,
So sorry to hear about the kidney stones
I know you were in terrible pain. I haven't seen you on the Feb. boards in a while and I don't visit the Ga. forum often. Sorry to hear about your separation also. If there is anything I can do, don't hesitate to call on me!
WTG on the 75# loss!!! Thats amazing!! I am barely under the -60# mark
Take care of yourself,

Congrats on the 75#'s Thats great... And I can feel for ya on the kidney stones part... I've had 3 since my WLS in 12/04. I can tell you that I just read a research study article that said that lemonade is excellent in keeping you from getting stones... Once you have either passed the one you currently have, or have lithotripsy like I have to do for mine, start making you some 'real' lemonade, with splenda of course.... It's the citric acid in the lemons that helps to break down the stuff that the kidney stones originate from. My problem with is lemonade is that it doesn't set well in my pouch...
Hey Laura, Great job on working that tool! 75# is terrific!
I just wanted to mention that I have read where kidney stones may very well be a WLS complication. Diets high in protein and being in ketosis makes them kidneys work! And not enough water can lead to stones. Just some food for thought.
I'm sorry to hear you had such bad pain. Hopefully this will be the end of it.
I was wondering how you were doing with the seperation and all. Glad to hear you have your mom for some support.
Take care of you,
I haven't been on the boards lately Kristy but I've been thinking about all of you. I needed some time alone to think thru the whole seperation thing. I went to Vegas with my son for 4 days. I don't know if we're going to get a divorce or not. I saw a lawyer and the finality of it just hurts so much. My son turns two this weekend. I am feeling better today and I have passed one stone with 2-3 more to go. THANK YOU GOD FOR PAIN MEDICATION. The urologist said this was very common with weight loss surgery and that we have to drink our water and eat bananas and potatoes.
I had to return to work today after a week off. I really have just been trying to get thru and not think about much. I have to say seperation does wonders for the weight loss...
So I'm here, I may not post but I'm still here and I'm very greatful for your help and support.