2 years today
I'm having a hard time realizing that it's only been two years since my surgery that changed my life. There have been so many many things that have changed in my life and still so many things yet to come. Here's some of those changes:
Lost 198 lbs from my highest weight
I'm able to exercise for HOURS without being totally winded
I can mow my yard with out taking looong breaks to catch my breath
I'm not embarrased to go into stores
I comfortably sit behind the wheel of my car without a seatbelt extender
I'm certified as a group fitness instructor and love to teach
I'm HAPPY from the inside - not just as a happy face for cover up
Men actually look at me instead of gawking
I actually have muscle definition
Clothes are MUCH cheaper for "thin" people than they are for plus sizes
that is such a small list.....the best change I can honestly say is that I'm TRULY HAPPY because not only do I feel good for being in the best shape of my life but I feel like I look good (dressed). I still have other skin issues (legs, arms, breasts) but those issues are small compared to the way things are so much different is the best way possible.
This path has not been easiest cause I do still have issuses with
but over all I LOVE that I've had this surgery. I have to work daily to try and not over eat and not eat a lot of junk - things with food get way esier the further out you go because I eat moe than a quarter cup of food - but it still takes me hours to do so. I have to watch what I eat more now than ever but I do watch because I didn't come this far to go back. I also exercise a LOT more now than I did even two years ago (I can freely take 3 hours worth of cardio without falling over dead...
I've been asked if I would do the surgery again.....my answer is "In a heart beat". It's literally saved my life. It's not for everyone - and people should realize that; but it was for me and the best thing I've ever done.
Time FLIES by....for pre-ops I promise you'll look back and think how fast things went. For new post-ops....it gets eaier every day and is so worth it is you use the tool properly. For longer term post ops....keep on keepin on. It's a daily thing and so worth it!
Love you guys!
Dee Dee

Time does fly Dee Dee, my one year is saturday!
I didn't know you still had puking problems, makes me wonder if I'm just gonna be a puker too. And, umm, maybe I can go ahead and cancel this egd that I am freaking out over!
Have you had your pouch checked out?
We are all so proud of you, your achievements and your out look on life is wonderful, now if you can just bottle some of it.. and your energy too!
Liquid form would be best, but its got to taste good! heehee
Hold your head high Dee Dee. You have come a long way and are doing terrific!

Dee Dee:
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S and B R A V O ! ! ! ! ! !
You have made a fabulous transformation from a person trapped in a cocoon of weight into a beautiful, social, gym-loving butterfly! You do seem truly happy both inside and out. I could use some of your motivation and energy. Have you thought about becoming a motivational speaker? You would be good at it.
Here's wishing you an even better year this year!!! Now, let's go dance
Kelly S