Memorial Day BBQ
Go check out the recipe forum. There are tons of recipe over there!
Good luck!
Kelly S

I just thought about a yummy desert.....
Ir is called pretzel salad, although I'm not sure where the salad part comes in....
In an oblong glass casserole dish, the bottom layer is a crust of 2 cups of crumbled pretzels with just enough melted butter to make a crust set up. on top of that, layer some sliced strawberries, on top of that, pour on some SF strawberry jello and let it set up in the fridge.(Make sure your jello has mostly set up... if it is too runny, it will soak up the pretzels and make them soggy) On top of that combine 8oz of fat free cream cheese and one small tub of cool whip, with one cup of splenda, mixed well. Spread on top. Decorate the top with a few more sliced strawberries, chill and serve It is sooooo yummy, and if you make it while no one is around, they won't know that it is good for them. My kids love it.
Any kind of meats that are grilled, without bbq sauce on them are wonderful at anytime... I now put on plenty of spices, and let each person add their own bbq sauce.
Hi Lea,
Check out bariatricbytes for some great recipes too. Tooter was a life saver for me with her recipes when I was early out.
One word of caution though, Always tell people if you have used sugar substitutes. You never know what people are allergic to or have reactions to. My fiance gets bad head aches from sugar substitutes and his sister gets full blown migraines.
Have fun, fun, fun in the sun!!