Hey folks...
I now asking for help...had my blood work done recently for my 1 year check up, and guess what my B-12 came back at 1.71...so does anyone have any suggestions for which B-12 to be taking...regular or sublinguals...if so what brand and dosage...never knew there were so many to choose from...
I had wanted to get started with my plastic surgery when I have my hysterectomy...really wanted BL/BA and a tummy tuck... I can understand why Dr Williams would not want me to have the tummy tuck, since I had to have the emergency surgery in April for scar tissue, but was hoping he would let me have the BL/BA...guess what he said....NO...NO...BUT NO!!!! I am so upset now, I cant even think straight... He wants me to wait 18 months from WLS before I have PS...well, that puts me to having that at the earliest in December...well folks, cant do it then...not until after tax season 2007... Tax season is grueling enough when your healthy, but cant even think about doing it till after then... One reason why I am so depressed over this...I just feel like my body is so UGLY right now...loose skin every where from my shoulders to my knees... Yes, I do know that I have come along way from the 251 pound person that I once was, and that I should be happy with myself weighing in at approx. 142-144...but this has just thrown me for a LOOP!! People that did not know me back then, can not believe that I used to weigh that much, but I did... Thanks for letting me vent...
Take care
I can certainly understand your frustration ! I wanted to get the TT with my hysterectomy..but unfortunately I could not coordinate it. I wanted it together to have only one healing time. Now...because it is not deemed medically necessary... I do not see a TT in my near or distant future. I just cannot get the time off of work to do that. I am doing the thighs and the breasts next month, but I know the damn flappy tummy is just gonna drive me crazy.
Yes....be THRILLLED with yourself for doing so well ! You should be so proud...you look AMAZING !! Loose skin is only a small price to pay for getting our health, and energy back. Also, looks from men, and admirers is a nice side benefit !
You will be fine

Thanks Maureen!!!
I have resigned myself to waiting till next May to start the Plastic, and I cant wait!! Just put this extra money into savings, so that I dont spend it on clothes!!! And I will start saving my extra bonus $$ for any additional plastic that I decide to do then...Maybe we can do our tummy tucks together next year...LOL That will definitely need to be done by then...and anything else that is flapping!!!

Norma, I give myself a b12 shop 1cc each month. It is really no problem giving myself a shot and when I had blood work done for my 6 mos ck up my B12 levels were great.
My Dr. gave me enough b12 and shringes to last 2 years. It is really cheap too, she just wrote the prescription and I got it at CVS and the nurse taught me how to give myself the shot.
On the TT I personally think is is best to wait until you are 2 years out (sure I say that now because I am only 9 mos. out) but I think it takes time for our bodies to get healthy again after such a major surgery and now you have had another and the hysterectomy will be another. I also think at 2 yrs post we should be where we are going to stay and have been able to manage the weight loss and be stable.
I think you look great and I did not know you before the surgery and I would never know you ever had a weight problem. I know you are doing the dating thing right now and this might keep you from getting really serious but you just go on and do what you feel like doing cause you really do look fabulous!!!
Judy E.
Hey Judy E...
Just not sure about giving myself shots...just call me chicken...LOL Next time we see each other, we need to bring our 'fat chick' pics, so that we can see how far each other has shrunk!!! Thanks for your words of encouragement...if I find the right guy now, that would be great...and if he has a problem with me having plastic next year...ya know what I say...his loss!!!