Crazy WOW Moment
Last Saturday night, I went to the Georgia Force vs. Philadelphia Soul arena football game, with Joe, and my friend Jeannie and her boyfriend.
I don't know if any of you have seen the picture of my "tatoo" Harley shirt, but it's LOTS of fun, cuz people stop me all over the place and tell me they thought my arms were really tatoo'd! LOL! We were keeping a running count - I was up to almost 10 people....
We were going to our seats, and as we started into the row, this lady stops me and says.."OH MY GOSH!!! I just have to TELL you....."
I thought she was going to tell me my shirt looked real, and I proceeded to show her it was fake...
She says, "No!! DR. RICHARD! Dr. PROCTOR!! I know you from your website!! Modean Ryan, right?? And that's your boyfriend, Joe, right??"
Well slap my butt and call me Charley!! She freaked me RIGHT out!!!
We got to talking, and her name is Carol, and she had just had lapband from Dr. Richard in April and has lost 45 pounds already.
We sat and talked for a few minutes, I'm so happy for her...we all had a grand time...
(AND...if you want to see the shirt I was talking about, here's a link to a pic or two... These are from when I got to meet CAL RIPKEN JR!!! OH MY!!)
Have a WONDERFUL day all!!!!