New to this site
I am in the process of making a decision about the surgery. I have been reading this site probably for about a month now and I have seen the good, the bad, and the ugly. I am scared to have the sdurgery and i lose all of the weight and I have loose skin everywhere, or I lose the weight and I gain it back. Everyone is so encouraging, but I am still stradling the fence. I have complete support from my family, and of course it is medically necessary. I just am not sure what to do........
Liz :shrug:
Hi Liz,
First of all...WELCOME!!!!!!!!!!!! We are happy to have you here, and look forward to actually meeting you soon.
Making the decision to have the surgery is certainly a nerve-wracking, very personal decision.
If you've read, you realize that there are things to consider post op, but if loose skin is one of the biggest concerns you have, I don't think there is a single person on here that would swap losing the weight to avoid loose skin....
Once you have been post op for a while, it does become more of a struggle to keep your head straight, and fight the food addiction urges, so I would strongly suggest some counseling, support groups, whatever works best for you....
Whatever your decision, Elizabeth, I wish you ALL the best, and hope you find peace in your chosen course.