Getting Divorced
Well- I am another statistic. My husband left me today. It's been along time coming. We finially sold our house last week and for a Mother's day present he left me with my two year old son. HAPPY MOTHER's DAY. I can't say I'm sad. I am so many things. I am angry, sad, hurt, releaved, so many emotions. I keep thinking how are we going to mark milestones in my sons life if his father isn't in it.
I don't want to be a single mom but I was getting tired of being the angry mom too.
Thank you for all your support.
2/10/06- RNY
HI Laura,
I'm sorry to hear about this event for you. I understand your mixture of emotions, and while you may be angry and not so sad, I was saddest about the IDEA of a happy marriage not working out....not necessarily with the man I was with, just the idea period.
This will be a tough time for you, there is no easy way around that, but we are here for you and if you'd like to email me anytime, please don't hesitate.
I've been a single mom for 15 years now....some days SUCK, but as was evidenced today, the payoffs are pretty amazing...
I wish you emotional peace.
So sorry to hear your news. Even though it doesnt sound like it was too surprising to you, it's always a shock when it actually happens. Like I said to Susann in another post, it gets easier to deal with over time (a long time). Do you have someone close by you can lean on? Someone to help you be rational when you are overwhelmed with emotions? Of course you can always come to the board. There is alot of people here who I am sure know exactly what you are going through.
Take care of yourself and let us know how you are doing.
Kelly S

I know this isn't in the subject line, but I noticed you are from Smyrna, GA. I was a huge Mark Lemke (2nd baseman for the Braves) fan when I was younger and I know he lived in Smyrna for some time while he played. Did you ever get to meet him?
As far as the divorce issue. I haven't had my surgery, but I know a divorce will soon follow afterward. He's very possessive now, I can't imagine how he will be after I have the surgery and start losing the weight. My heart goes out to Laura! I'll keep her in my prayers.

I know exactly how you feel, I got the same Mothers Day present! My husband left me sat. while the kids and I were at the movies. I didn't see it coming, things have been great between us. I feel so hurt and betrayed. He is so totally not the man I thought he was. I spent all mothers day crying with my oldest daughter telling how sorry she was for me. I felt so bad for her too, that was the only man she ever called daddy. We had just sent her to prom and had a wonderful anniversary trip. I know there is nothing I can do but I am here if u need to talk. We will get through this!
Laura, for every elevation in this life God will authorize some baggage to be moved so that you are able move to the next level in your life. TRUST me when I tell you, this too chall pass. Go ahead and have all of your feelings. IT'S normal. You will look back on this time a THANK HIM THAT BROUGHT YOU TO IT. He would not have placed it in your mist if HE did not know you would deal with with. I've been there don't that and I thank GOD that it happened. TRUST HIM, HE KNOWS BEST.
Thank you all for your well wishes. I know I'll get thru this although I'm not sure how right now. I lost 5 pounds this weekend. I find that so funny.
This Memorial Day would be our five year anniversary. We've been together a total of 8 years. I've always been the one to tell him to leave when we had a fight and he finally too k me up on it and the ironic thing is I'm devastated.
Be careful what you ask for, you just might get it.
part of me wonders if the really would have don this if I wasn't loosing so much weight.
I believe he's scared that when I get down to goal I'd find someone else and leave him. What is it with men. I don't know.
I just trying to keep from crying all day.
2/10/06- RNY
Laura, I'm sorry to hear about your divorce. I don't know much on the subject since I haven't had any personal experience in this area fortunately. But I do know that things happen to us for a reason. It will probably be hard to be a single mom. Hard emotionally, physically and financially. But I strongly believe that it's better to be Single than to be in a bad marriage. And there is always light at the end of the tunnel. I hope your are going to see that light soon.
hugs, Rita