Good news and bad news....
The good news is I can easily bend over and pick up something off the floor now!
.... the bad news is I usually fart when I bend over
The good news is I can wash my entire body!
.... the bad news is I now take the longest showers anyone ever heard of
The good news is I am able to really get into some serious sex now!
.... the bad news is all that rumbling from my belly kinda kills the mood
The good news is that my pants are no longer tight... anywhere!
.... the bad news is that it now hurts to sit... anywhere!
The good news is I that I can buy shoes from Walmart and no longer have to pay $150 for special order EEEEE width shoes!
.... the bad news is I that I wear shoes I bought from Walmart
The good news is I am able to work hard all day and not get tired!
.... the bad news is all that I have to work hard all day
The good news is I am getting married on June 24th!
.... the bad news is that I can't flirt with all the beautiful women on the singles board anymore....
Ah well.... Onward!!