Blue Cross Blue Shield Highmark of PA...
Hey Ya'll! I have been a lurker for a while. I was just wondering if anybody else has my insurance? We have sent in for approval about a week ago and I am so anxious I can hardly stand it! I am sure I am driving my family nuts! If you have my ins. how long did it take you to get approved? I am 5'1" and weigh 232 with a BMI of 44. I have done their 6 month weight loss attempt. Do you guys think I will have any problems getting approved?

You may want to call them and ask...I know I did that...I called 2 days after my file was submitted by My Dr's office to see if BCBS got it.... and that's when they told me that I was approved already... Call, you certainly have nothing to loose by doing it.... well, except time, I guess...But Anxiety and uncertainty would be worse than lost time....
best of luck to you,