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Topic: RE: 1 week out and need new idea on what to eat
Hi ,
I also had surgery with Dr.Jawad on 03/10/10 the full liquid diet I ate everything!! Well let me be more specific, everything you eat needs to be pureed consistancy! I went out and bought the Magic bullet . I pureed chicken with alittle spagetti sauce NO chunks and basically had chicken parmesian with the shaked permasian cheese, just add extra sauce for the pasty consistancy! I also love to eat sweet pototoes, little bit of butter or margirine . I also good deli meat and pureed that ,basically shreaded,chew ,chew ,chew. hope that helps hang in there it gets better!! OH and by the way a heating pads works wonders on your g-tube area if you are having spasms!!
Topic: RE: Has anyone used FMLA for surgery?
FMLA is Family Medical Leave Act and it is a federal law. There are some specific guidelines on to whom the act applies. You can get more information at the DOL website. But basically FMLA provides unpaid leave and job protections when one (or a covered relative) is ill. My husband used this when he had his surgery. It was not difficult, the doc completes a form and sends it in.
Topic: RE: 1 week out and need new idea on what to eat
Where is your packet for the first six months...did they change everything in the five years since I had surgery. I hope they still give the great instruction they did. Call the office...I had a packet with each stage and lists of things I was suppose to do. I attribute this to my success.
Corgi Mom
287/129 bmi 20.2 height 5'7"
Loss is good Maintanance is GREAT
Friends are angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly
287/129 bmi 20.2 height 5'7"
Loss is good Maintanance is GREAT
Friends are angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly
Topic: RE: 2010 Sampling Event & conference
Sounds great. Do you know of any ongoings in tampa/st.pete area?
Topic: Has anyone used FMLA for surgery?
Hi everyone, Well I got my insurance approval authorization today and just waiting to be scheduled. My employer has been known to be very "by the book" on EVERYTHING under the sun. So, I have decided to try and use FMLA *Florida Medical Leave Act* for my surgery. But from what I have heard there may be some loop holes? Did anyone use FMLA? Any advise or loop holes that I should be on the look out for?
Topic: RE: 1 week out and need new idea on what to eat
I was on a liquid Diet for a month after surgery. It wasn't too bad! I did not feel like eating anyway and I knew I was getting all of my protein in.
How long did your Dr. advise the liquid diet?
Hopefully some people have some great ideas for you........Good luck and Best wishes on your Journey!
How long did your Dr. advise the liquid diet?
Hopefully some people have some great ideas for you........Good luck and Best wishes on your Journey!
Topic: Sarasota or Charlotte county anyone?
I am trying to get back on the boat so to speak. Gained 20 pounds since I started my anti-anxiety meds in October and I am workng on losing that plus started working out again. Would be nice to know someone else in the area.
I will be 8 years post op from my DS in August :-) Even with the 20 pound gain I am still down 160 pounds from pre-op!
I will be 8 years post op from my DS in August :-) Even with the 20 pound gain I am still down 160 pounds from pre-op!
Topic: RE: I desperatly need help, please
Hey Ladies...
Well I mised my app in Miami. my mom had a hear attack on Friday the 16th and they kept her thru- Tuesday the 21st at 9pm. so i missed my app which was tuesday the 21st at 10am....
but its ok, i reschedualed for this week comming up. i have my app on the 3rd and 4th of May cant wait. I am praying this all goes well.... thanks for all your post, it really does help to not feel like Im the only woman in the world going thru this
..... it was so hard feeling that way.
thanks again
Well I mised my app in Miami. my mom had a hear attack on Friday the 16th and they kept her thru- Tuesday the 21st at 9pm. so i missed my app which was tuesday the 21st at 10am....
but its ok, i reschedualed for this week comming up. i have my app on the 3rd and 4th of May cant wait. I am praying this all goes well.... thanks for all your post, it really does help to not feel like Im the only woman in the world going thru this


Topic: RE: Self Pay Options in South Florida?
I paid $16,500 for my surgery but it included my pre op testing, nutrition and exercise classes, surgery, hospital stay (2 days) and after care appointments for one year. I know that there are probably better deals out there, but I went with the surgeon and program I felt would work best for me.
Good luck to you and your husband.
Hello, this is my first post. Do you remember what the self pay was for the gastric bypass with Dr Kim? Thanks so much.
On February 24, 2010 at 10:25 AM Pacific Time, IGDiva wrote:
Mo, every procedure has its pros and cons. The best thing to do would be to attend an info session and talk to the surgeon or nurses at the session. I went from thinking I was going to do one procedure to choosing the Sleeve after talking to several patients, my surgeon, and program psychiatrist.I paid $16,500 for my surgery but it included my pre op testing, nutrition and exercise classes, surgery, hospital stay (2 days) and after care appointments for one year. I know that there are probably better deals out there, but I went with the surgeon and program I felt would work best for me.
Good luck to you and your husband.
Topic: vacation time
can't wait to come visit your beautiful beaches this July. We are taking our first family beach vacation this July to Fort Walton Beach. I can't wait.