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Looking for surgeon that approves medicare and medicaid in Hialeah, Florida thank you.
I am having intermittent chest pains. I have an appt scheduled with the doctor.
I may need an coronary angiogram. My kidneys are GFR 47.
Question : Will they do an angiogram with GFR of 47. I understand the concern is damage from the dye.
Thank you
5' 11" 73 year old Male
Started 314 Now 200
Beware the Statistics Quoters
Dr Butler did my RNY in 2001. I lost 150s before the bipass totally closed causing the staple line to rupture. I spent many years in pain, cat scans didn't show anything by that time Butler was dead so I was just seeing a GP. Finally I had a barium test that showed I had a gastro gastric fistula.
So my anatomy is as if i never had surgery. I had gained 100 pounds back but have worked hard to take 60 of that off (not easy when you are over 50). I wish I knew this happened to other people, it would have made me feel like less of a failure. It may have saved me years of pain.
Hey all! I'm headed to my final dietitian appointment on Wednesday (8/12). It will mark the 6 month mark of the required visits with her. I've done my barium swallow, EKG, PCP clearance, and psych clearance. As long as I can stay under my goal weight for four days, my surgeons office is going to submit everything to my insurance for approval.
How long from the day everything was turned in, to the day you got a call to schedule the surgery, did it take for you guys? I'm on medical leave from nursing school right now, and I'm stressing about not having the surgery and recovery completed by the time I'm supposed to return to school. I'm on staywell (as I assume you all are too), and I've done everything they've asked of me. I'd feel better if you guys were able to give me a time frame to reference for my own surgery, even though I know every case is different. Thanks in advance!
It depends on your insurance but since you have medicaid, you will most likely have to have 6 consecutive months of supervised diet. I'm in FL and I have medicaid (Staywell). I had to do the 6 months, psych eval, EKG,bloodwork, 2 nutrition visits, endoscopy, sleep study and barium swallow test. I'm finished with everything and they sent it to Staywell on 12/16. I am waiting to hear if I am approved since I have 5 comorbities: Major depression, GERD, multiple joint pain, migraines and diabetes.
same boat. I live in West Palm . Did you find another dr?
Dr Domkowski did the sleeve on me 5-3-19. He is a wonderful skilled Dr. I am doing great.

I'm having a consult with them in May. Anyone used them? :)

RNY Gastric Bypass 8/15/19