Dear Ocala friends.....
Hi ya'll. Even though I love Orlando, I have also fallen in love with Ocala, and would love to visit some churches. Would anyone from Ocala be able to send me addresses or a page or two of the yellow pages? Or church bulletins? Also any apartment guides. Are there any spanish churches? I went to but was not able to find anything useful. I appreciate your help! I'll send ya my address by private email. Thanks.
Hey! Ive lived in Orlando too and liked it but yet here I am in Ocala. Yes its beautiful here. Im not sure which type of church your looking for but I belong to Living Waters. Its on north 441. For a big church, Ive never felt as welcome as they've made me and my family feel. Come visit!
If you have any questions feel free to email me at [email protected]

Hello Ruth,
I belong to a Catholic Church, Queen of Peace, and I understand that they're spanish services at Saint Jude at 12: noon. There is also a hispanic catholic church right off of SR 40 here in Ocala. I have lived here in Ocala for a year now and absolutely love it. I am definetly planting my roots here! If you have any questions feel free to e-mail me. I had the same issues as you and thank God I have found everything I need. En confianza me envias un e-mail!