Jacksonville Weight Loss Meetup Group
Jacksonville Weight Loss Surgery February Meetup
This Month's Discussion: Am I normal?
Saturday, February 12, 2005 at 1:00 PM
Orange Park Mall Food Court
1910 Wells Road
Orange Park, FL 32079
Everyone is welcome and look for the balloons!!! Check out our website: wls.meetup.com/7/ (put the http:// in front)
Hope to see ya there,
Erika L

I am so bummed... I just learned that a good friend of ours brother died. He was our friend also but we did no know him as well. I am so sad and I hurt for Ron (the living brother) . They just bought some property together and put a trailer on it and were so excited about fixing it up. Ivan had a brain tumor and has been battling for his life for 2 years. He was a generous, kind soul.
The memorial service will be on Sat. at 2pm and so I will not be able to attend the Jax meeting. I was so looking forward to it! I hope to attend the next one.