Cigna HMO - Disney Employee
My husband and I are both wanting to have the surgery and are going through our 6 months of "diet supervision" my question is, does anyone have Disney insurance that can tell me if they still will cover for 2005? I know they did in 2004 I just didn't want to go through the 6 month process and be told they didn't cover it anymore?
Thank you!
I had Cigna HMO (not thru Disney) back in 2003. I applied for surgery and was denied in Dec 2003, although I clearly met therr criteria. I found out throught my HR dept at work that in our particular policy, WLS would not be covered as of 1/1/2004. I believe they denied me in an effort to stall so the exclusion would kick in and it would be a moot point. They won the battle in my case.
Sorry I can't help with your question specifically, but if you don't get answers from this board, I would suggest you ask your HR or benefits department at work of call/ email the insurance company directly. Personally I like email (whethter it is HR dept or Cigna) that way you have the answer in writing.
I currently have Aetna (who approved me a year after the Cigna denial) and when you log into their member site, there is a link to send customer service an email. I have been amazed at the speed and quality of the answers I've gotten there!
Good Luck!
I have cigna hmo, but not through disney. You need to ask your hr dept. for the summary of benefits plan. Read the exclusion yourself. I found out that when they say exclusion it means if it is not medically necessary. The Bariatric Clinic automatically makes you get a letter of medical necessity from your pcp. Don't believe anything anybody tells you, read it for yourself.