Got to brag a little.....
Okay, so I am not use to bragging on myself but here goes::: ................... My hubby and I went shopping around a little today. Mostly picking up necessities of life. We stopped in Walmart to pick up some things and I decided to stroll through the clothing. Now I didn't plan to buy anything since I am trying to hold off a while. Anyway, I started looking at pants and decided I would just see what I could wear. Hubby was in sporting goods and I was going to have time to kill. I had been wearing some 24W that were kinda droopy and some stretch pants that were saggy so I thought well, I will try a 22W. Nope, too big.
I tried a 20, .............nope still baggy.
..........Okay I know an 18W is not right...............
, 18 was still too big. I was giddy by now and had to contain myself before I put on my clothes and went out and got a pair of 16W pants off the rack. THEY FIT.
Now they were snug and the style was a stretch twill. But they were zip up pants (I've been wearing stretch pants for years) I couldn't believe it. I mean, here I was in the middle of Walmart in the dressing room and I am trying not to squeal. ( I figured the lady running the fitting rooms might freak
Well, you know I had to buy them
Guess I will have to be paying more attention.
Thanks for letting me brag. Just thought you all should know.

Ah shucks Carol I am jealous! Seems you are loosing just like expected. I know it had to feel good seeing the size that fit. Well after the 8th I will be a looser as well and I will have to catch up to you Amy, Nancy P., Erika, Michelle, Marla, Jan, Hey by the way I haven't seen Jan for 2 weeks.Hope she is okkay and just busy.