Question of the Day?
Researching was a great help. This board was one of my research items and it was the greatest. Without the advice and information from all these board members my decision would have taken longer. Any question can be answered right here. I also researched my surgeon and got opinions from others about him.
Second,I had the support of my family. Without that, I would have had it a lot harder. My hubby and daughters ,here in the house, have been fantastic to help me and support every thing in the journey.
Good question, Shannon!!
Hehehehe, I'm the first to respond! Thanks Shannon for filling in for me.
My computer and phone line are back up and running woo hoo
! I came home to get my cell phone which I left by accident and had to check and all is well again! I had called Sprint this morning. Thanks goodness, cause I was worried not having access to my pc would be like severing a limb.
The two most important things that have helped me with my weightloss are:
1) Having my family and friends undying support and not being the food police, although I'm pretty good most of the time. Did I mention my two closest girlfriends have both also had surgery since I had mine? One is on here occasionally (Hi Tricia
) and the other (Helen) isnt on here. But the three of us are determined to be successful and are rewarding ourselves with the cruise in Sept.
2) Protein, water and exercise! You HAVE to follow the basics or run the risk of failure. I never thought I would walk daily or want to join a gym, but my life has changed and exercise MUST be a priority.
I need to run to meet some friends for lunch. Talk to you all again later tonight.
-141lb. the scale moved again