Yvette Y.
on 1/24/05 9:56 pm - Miami, FL
on 1/24/05 9:56 pm - Miami, FL
Hello All,
I have a question for some of you veterans. Do you ever regret this operation? I know that i am only 3 weeks Post Op , but honestly i find myself feeling worst as every day goes by. I can barely eat, and when i do i get sick to my stomache and throw-up. I am running out of things to eat. I am weak. i just placed a call to my doctor to see if they run tests o n me because i am honestly not feeling good. Please anyone give me some advice. Please tell me that this will pass and i will not regret what i have done!!!!!!
We all have stages during recovery from this surgery and they are all different but they do pass. At about 3 weeks post op, I too, had some problems eating. I went back to liquids a couple times but as the time went on I would get something down. I never regretted the surgery because I still am feeling better than I did before. Of course, I am 50 and didn't get around very well preop so now is so much better. The times I couldn't eat, I just made sure I took my vitamins and put protein in any way I could. Sometimes hot chocolate with protein was the only thing I would keep down but I put it in. Try not to get discouraged. We all go through this different but the weight will come off and the energy will come. Take your B-12 and vitamins. It will help. If you are feeling sick try eating soft foods that are bland. Maybe pudding, cottage cheese. Lots of people can eat refried beans when they can't eat anything else. Just keep trying. It will get better and it will pass.
Good luck. Keep in touch.
mabye you got a striture? i think i spelled it wrong...and i am a new post-op ( i had surgery on jan 17th) and teh second day i was in the hospital i could have killed my dr... NOT because he did anything but because i felt like absolute caca... he had this rule that i needed to make six laps around my floor before the day was over... now i know it was for the better BUT while i was walkin that day i said " damn you dr rosenthal" the whole time... i couldnt walk stright... i kept crashing into everything ( ty morphine) i was ready to hurl any minute... but... now im feelin pretty good... down 11 pounds since monday and 19 pounds total... so yay!!! i thinkn you are doin the right thing about asking for the tests... you will do great... keep ya head up

Remember your body has had food taken away. Sugars and starches and everything good. It is a big adjustment, not only the food but because of the surgery. It will take your body time to adjust. The first 6 weeks, I felt I had a new problem every day. Take one day at a time and do what you can. It will get better, if not, there is probably another issue that your doctor will be able to recognize.
My doctor's office called me daily during my recovery time.
Well....I would question why you are eating food at 3 weeks. You aren't healed....but then I don't know what you are eating....I couldn't eat real food for about 3 was clear liquids for a week....full liquids for a week...pureed for a week....then soft food for a week.....
I am 2 years and 4 months out and I don't regret it. Not for a minute....Just take it easy...and yes, please go see your Doctor. There might be some reason you don't feel good. Other than the normal healing process.
Hope it gets better....
I was on full liquids at week 3 and yes, I felt like complete crap!
I hurt, I was weak, I was tired, I didn't want to eat, I struggled to drink. Believe me, it sucked. It does get better though, I promise!
I am 3 and a half months out and had complications after surgery (fevers, pneumonia, hematoma around my spleen) I was hospitalized for quite awhile.
Today, after getting through that I feel fantastic. I regretted it at first because I felt so bad, but when I started feeling better, I knew I made the right decision.
It will take time and you will feel much better, I promise.
Call your Dr though if you keep throwing up.
REGRETS?? Absolutely NONE!! I hadn't been in a hospital setting since I was 8 yrs old, and was a bit nervous but had no complications due to surgery. Difficulties after as far as "eating" - yea but I guess that normal. Monitor yourself carefully. I had a bit of drainage in the incision but that's all - however the eating part is always an adjustment. Now things are "good" - I mean I do miss certain foods but when I see what I've been able to achieve (61 lb loss thus far)..I'm SO HAPPY I did this. And you will too - eventually.
What someone was saying is that you may have a stricture. A stricture though is when your intestinal tract is blocked from the stomach/pouch so that whatever you eat/digest doesn't go anywhere or empty out. I'm sure you'll feel a warning - but if you're looking for the correct wording this is it. I've heard several people have them (and get it corrected).
Good luck to you!