Hair Loss Question
Well, I thought it wasn't going to happen, but looks like it's starting to. I was washing my hair last night and kept getting these small clusters of hair coming out. Not enough to cause serious panic, but enough to know that I usually don't shed hair like that. I would say probably 50 strands came out about 7 times while washing hair. I was covered in it! I felt like Chewbacca. Anyway.......
My nutritionist said to call her if this happens, so I will.
In the meantime, what do you ladies use to help with the hair loss? I want to keep this from getting to extreme. Certain shampoo? Vitamins? Anything?

Please let us know what she says when you call her. I have been losing my hair since about the fifth month out and it is better now but still wayyyy more than normal shedding. My hairdresser told me NOT to get Nioxin shampoo, she said your hair gets used to it and once you stop using it it will start to fall out again, plus it isn't cheap.
Anyway, please share her insight/research on WLS hairloss with us when you can.

My doctors office told me to take Biotin. I just had surgery 2 weeks ago so I cant say if it works for me or not but I have been taking it everyday for a week now. Please let us know what your nutritionist has to say because I'm so scared to lose my hair its already thin to begin with.
Marcie, as other asked: Please, let us know what your nut. says about the hair loss. I was told it will happen no matter what... My hari started fallin when I was 5 months post op and I am now 6 moths post op and it slowed dow A LOT to the point I am not as worried anymore, but before I was almost in tears daily... Hair was everywhere and I even walkeda round with a little lint rooler in mu purse. Anyway, the good news is: It does slow down and it stops at one point, but when, it depends on the person! Good luck!
hello,i started loosing my hair when i was 4months out.i started using nioxin shampoo when i had the surgery but i stopped using it because i couldnt stan the smell i guess it was all the meds that i was taking and i was in pure liquids.well when i started loosing my hair i started using the shampoo again and know i can see alots of regrowth hair.i was so scared that i was going to have to use a wig because i could see my scalp.but know i'm 9 months out 100lbs lighter and new hair.good luck to you and try the nioxin shampoo and conditioner.