had surguery in brazil on the 1/15 not doing to bad
well i left the hospital from ahvong lap and i am doing pretty good first few nights were a little uncomfortable but for the most part ok. the docto came to the villa were i am at to see me (wow) also the hospital faxes the villa my liquid diet regime and they had everything waiting for me when i got back i will leaving back to florida next week. i am on a liquid diet for 1 month and have to self inject heprin for a month did anyone have to do this?
Hi Debra, I had surgery in Brazil 07/27/04, I am doing great. I know what you mean about the hositality!! "We Brazilians rock!"
(getting a little full of myself here...) Anyway, I did takke the shot for about 5 days, I had a low BMI (40.5) so I didn't need it for too long. who was your Dr.? What city are you in? Would you recomend traveling to Brazil to have the surgery to others? How wa the flight? Did you think it was too long?
BTW, remember to wake up and walk up and downthe plane onyour way back. you oneed to move those legs!!!
Wishing you all the best,