Pre-Op ?'s
Hi All,
I am having surgery next Monday, Jan 24th. Is there a good FAQ or listing of info you should know before surgery, somewhere on this website? I am lost as far as what to pack for the hospital, or what to expect after surgery. I heard someone mention a "girdle" that you should wear after surgery??
I feel like I'm not ready, because I am a planner.....I like to know exactly what should happen and what to expect. Is there a book I can buy to help me?
Thanks in advance!
Jezzie, at the top of the page there are links you can click on to get you around this site. You want to try Library and check out all the information there.
As far as what to bring to the hospital, I'd say take very little. A pillow was good and some chapstick for dry lips and that's about it. Plan to wear the same clothes home that you wear to the hospital, so make them comfy and loose fitting.
Make sure you have protein drinks at home ready for you for after surgery as you will likely be on liquids or puree for a while.
I don't know about a girdle, but I sure wouldn't have wanted to wear anything tight after my surgery.
Welcome to the Florida board!

I didn't wear my own gown because I didn't want anything to get on it. I wore the hospital gowns. At the hospital I had surgery at, they had special extra-large gowns for bariatric patients that covered me very well (and I was 300+ pounds).
As far as a bra goes, the placement of my JP drain prevented me from wearing a bra comfortably. I went braless until my JP drain was removed. Others put on a bra the day after surgery. If you have an open instead of lap, that may affect wearing a bra as well.
I took my own toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, etc.), my own pillow, reading material, a brush or comb, a scrunchie or something that held my hair in a ponytail and chapstick.
Jezzie, at the top of the page there are links you can click on to get you around this site. You want to try Library and check out all the information there.
As far as what to bring to the hospital, I'd say take very little. A pillow was good and some chapstick for dry lips and that's about it. Plan to wear the same clothes home that you wear to the hospital, so make them comfy and loose fitting.
Make sure you have protein drinks at home ready for you for after surgery as you will likely be on liquids or puree for a while.
I don't know about a girdle, but I sure wouldn't have wanted to wear anything tight after my surgery.
Welcome to the Florida board!

My surgery is Jan. 25 and this is what I'm planning to take:
nightgown (knee length) but I've heard we wear hospital gowns mostly
light weight housecoat (knee length)
slip on bedroom shoes
grooming supplies: toothbrush & paste, shampoo, deodorant, comb, etc.
book or magazine
my own bed pillow
I plan to wear home the knit pants & top that I wear to the hospital. Also, slip on shoes, not sneakers - nothing that I have to bend over to get on.
I've had a hystorectomy so I don't need them, but you might want to carry some femmine products. I've heard many women start their periods post-op even if they've just had it.
Hope this helps. Best wishes for your surgery & save me a seat on the loser's bench!
Vickie J.

Hi Jezzie!
Congratulations I know you are extreamly excited. I just got home from the hospital. I took some realllly big loose knit fitting shorts, and some of the biggest tshirts I could find at walmart in the womens dept. I only wore the gown one night. As soon as I got up and got out of that bed, it was street clothes the entire time there. The "girdle" they talk of is nothing more than banding that goes around your entire waist to hold in your tummy and all the changed your Surgon did on it. Makes for very uncomfortable walks if you leave it in your room! You will do fine! dont worry. Take a toothbrush, maybe your shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, and some personal wipes and a "diary". You will have Dr's coming in at you waking you up from your naps, and you need to write down dates, or anything you may remember from the little chats.