Senseo+ZOIC=good stuff
Hello Everyone!
I have had so many troubles finding a protein drink that I could drink that didn't taste horrible or give me terrible gas or dia. I'm about 6 weeks out and have spent tons of money on stuff that I can't tolerate. I found a protein drink at Publix called "ZOIC". It's 5.99 for a 4 pack, and I have been drinking the Belgian Chocolate flavor. 110 cals, 1gm fat, and 21gms protein. I drink one in the car driving to and from work, and my wt loss is finally consistant. Give it a try and let me know what you think.
Also, I used to drink a pot of coffee every morning and now all I can have is 1 cup and I'm full. I got a Senseo coffee pot for Christmas and it brews one cup at a time, which is perfect for me. Folgers makes the little pods in reg and decaf. Anyone else out their find anything? Let me know. We are always *****ing about awful stuff.
Let's hear some positives!
[email protected]
Hello MaryKaye,
Thanks for the heads up on ZOIC, we go to Publix 2xweek so I am going to look at the sugar content. Right now I buy Slimfast, LoCarb, its great and doesn't have aspartme in it, contains splendra (sucralose). I'm allergic to aspartme/nutrasweet. So I am checking it in the morning.
I am pre op, having surgery on Feb 8, I basically can't eat since it hurts my stomach so for several years now. When I spoke to my nutrionist, I was using two a day and never dropped a pound, she told me to drink 3 to 4 a day and since then I have lost 18 lbs since Aug. So there is a real truth to the protien helping us loose. I'll let you know how I like it and in car is much more convienet, I will probably stick to LoCarb Slimfast that are meal replacers. Try it you won't be sorry, good taste and several flavors. ZOIC Belgian Choc sounds good. I'll let you know, they are the same price as LoCarb Slimfast, came out just about a year ag (these are not Options, I think they have sugar)