Question of the Day
Good morning, Everyone.
I love my sandals.
I actually wear a lot of different ones in differents colors and designs to match my mood.
I do have a favorite pair that are leather with a suede top where your feet rest. They have the piece between the toes and they are very comfortable. I try not to wear shoes that don't let my feet breathe.
Have a great day

I have a pair of burgandy Eastlands shoes that slip on with just a little bit of elastic to give your foot room. I LOVE them, they are very comfortable (I wore then around Disney one day) and they were the first "cute" pair of shoes I bought for myself after having gotten my lymphedema treated...they aren't even wide width.
I usually only wear them if they match my outfit, but with my legs wrapped I haven't gotten to wear them much.
When I get married I think I'll send Mr. Blahnik a letter with a B&A picture of my legs and see if I can get a pair of Manolo's to wear for my wedding.

I got a pair of ankle top boots to wear on my vacation to Kansas. I had planned to wear them to play in the snow. MMMM no snow while I was there but wore them ahead of the vacation to break them in. I love them. I can wear jeans to work and they are just right with the jeans. I wear them most of the time now. They are so so comfortable.
Definitely my open back sketchers. They are white and red with sparkly silver loop holes for the laces. I haven't been able to find another pair like 'em and they are so cute and comfy..and i am a HUGE fan of open back, slip on shoes. Everyone always wants 'em but i say--"They're Mine!!!" But I definitely can't wait to lose some weight so that i can wear dressy cute shoes (i wear size 7 but they are so wide i can't hardly wear cute shoes...

No, I don't have a favorite pair of shoes. I've just bought several pairs for work and some still need a little breaking in. I love shoes and it has been nice to be able to wear heels again! For the longest time I couldn't wear anything but leather clogs/mules because that's all my fat feet would fit!!