omg what a bad day
hay yall... hows everyone? ok first... i missed my dentist appt... but good thing he reschedualed it for 12 so i made it there and hes drillin my cavites... and of course that cant be all... he finds the need to do a root canal... ok... of course he dont do it right away... HE WENT TO LUNCH AND LEFT ME WITH A PEICE OF COTTON... then he said come abck at 2:15 so i coome back... and then he starts drilin with out re-numbing my mouth.... i could have shot him... and then... in the middle of drilling again... he took a personal phone call about his vacation to colorado to go sking... and then he didnt give me no pain killers... thank god i have some lortab at home ( which did not even touch the pain).. thats ok ill live... and then i start coughin and now i have a fever... so... i dunno will surgery actually take place monday? i go for my surgical clearence tomorrow so we will see... ok... enough of me blabbing...