" Do you mean liposuction?"
O.k. no one asked me that but I think I always said gastric bypass.
But my old roommate is like always asking me if Liposuction would help me...especially with my legs...she was like "why can't they just lipo it out" when I told her because it is fluid she asked "well then can they drain it, my dad had fluid drained from his lungs." Then when she found out I was having WLS she asked if they could lipo so extra fat out while they were in there.
I told her "no" a PS would probably have to do that and the 15-20lbs that could safely be taken wouldn't put a dent in my size. So then most recently when I had my DVT she asked if they could go in and suck it out with a drain because her brother had knee surgery and there was a clot in his drain...I told her that was because the blood was coming from the incision site not a deep vein. I know it's hard to deal with people who aren't as medically knowledgeable as we are.

OMG!! That drives me nuts, I grew up in a family full of Dr.'s... I guess I learned a lot just by listening to conversations (you wouldn't believe what they would tak about at the dinner table!) Anyway, I am no expert on anything of course, but when I hear stuff like that I just cringe! Bless you for your patience...

When I told this roommate that I was considering lap band and that they would put a band around my stomach and inflat it so I would eat less...she said she didn't understand how that would help...she thought I meant a band around my belly, I had to then explain by stomach I meant the actual organ inside not the outer region.

I usually say "I had weight loss surgery". That will usually take care of the situtation unless they are knowledgeable and they will then ask more questions. If they know and ask, then they are interested and I do not mind sharing with them. If they do not ask further questions, I keep my mouth shut.