Another Update
I'm still recovering from the lung problems I endured but in tiny baby-steps, I'm seeing small improvements everyday. I still lose my balance and I actually fell at my doctor's office on Tuesday.
I had a thoracentesis procedure done earlier this week and they drained 2 liters of fluid from my left pleural cavity. The pulmonologist thinks there is still as much as 1 liter remaining. I go back on Monday of next week for another chest x-ray. If the fluid is still there and building back up, I have another thoracentesis, if not I'll just be monitored closely to make sure the fluid is being reabsorbed.
I'm getting around better, and I have days that I actually feel semi-human now. I'm still not cleared to drive or anything like that, but I'm slowly getting better. The pulmonologist said it generally takes a person one month to recover for every 7 days spent on a ventilator. I was on the vent for 12 days, so my recovery is moving along at about the right pace. My right lung has healed "remarkably well" in his words, it's the left lung that is still having problems.
I was able to move to stage 4 of the post-op diet but it made me
so I moved back to stage 3 for another week per my surgeon's orders. He told me to try again in about a week and only introduce one food at a time. When I moved to stage 4 the first time, I tried a different food at every meal.
The silver lining to my dark cloud of ARDS is that I've lost 34 pounds!
So I do see the positive aspects of surgery despite my setback with my lungs.
I miss posting here everyday, and I hope you guys don't forget me!

Oh Shayna.... I feel for you hon, I had a scare like that, but mine was just a scare... before they were ready to drain my lungs, the 2nd set of results came back negative... I was so happy! This too shall pass, have faith, don't ever lose your faith. I trully believe int he power of suggestion, tell yourself and everyone around you that you will be 100% soon, you will see how things will get better.