Question of the Day
I have had several friends pass on and wish I could talk to each and every one of them! One in particular I still find myself "talking to" when I need advice or just an open ear. My best guy friend, Ruben Murillo passed away 3 yrs ago at the age of 24 from sleep apnea. I miss him so much and just wish he could be here, he was an AMAZING person with the biggest heart.
Also, I have a best friend from high school that I have been trying to locate for 4 years now (we graduated in '99 but i moved to FL a week after). Shaylie Raymond in Muskegon, MI. Everytime I call info or do a people search, I get a disconnected number or an old address! I would love to see how she is doing. I heard she got married and had a son right after graduation. I also would like to tell her I got married. We grew up together and I miss her!
p.s. i got a new name--yay!