I am obese!
Well today I realized that I am just obese...BMI is 32.6 now with a total loss of 106 pounds. Just an update about my condition...I am completely fine now. On Saturday I spent 8 hours at the ER cuz I was fed up totally with the vertigo which wa****ting me pretty constant at that point. So after seeing 2 doctors during the week...the ER doc sees fluid in my ear, BINGO! So he ran my blood just to make sure and did a CT also gave me some fluids. Blood work came back good but I have a slight UTI again...this is my 3rd since surgery before that I hadn't had one in over 10 years. CT showed my sinuses were congested too. So I cancelled my appointment with my PCP today, no need for him now. Funny thing is since I stopped taking the antivert...I haven't had 1 problem. I was really feeling out of control and pretty darn crappy with all the meds they put me on. Now I am just taking my antibotics and 1/2 of a BP...oh and my vits and calciums. I hope everyone else is feeling good...sooo many people are sick right now including 6 members of my family. Tomorrow I am heading back to college...took of 2 semsters to have surgery and recover. Hmmmm I wonder will anyone recognize me minus the 106 pounds. I am sure tomorrow will be full of WOW moments!
Tracey (back to herself)

I cant wait until I am just plain obese! Congrats on that accomplishment.
I am so glad you got to the root of your vertigo problem, I was worried about you. Sounds like things are looking brighter again for you, with the exception of everyone being sick in the family. Good luck with your return to school, let us know how it goes. I hope you have many, many WOW moments since those are priceless.

Hey. I have been to my doctor's 3 times in a week for the same darn thing. My doc thinks it is vertigo related to sinus- but it is so horrible! I am on antivert (which isn't working) and valium to help me sleep. WHat did he suggest you do? I was on antibiotics for a week and I had to stop due to a reaction. What do you think I should do? I need help! Let me know what your doc said. My doc has been no help and I am trying to track down a ENT (ears, nose, throat) doc for help. I cannot even hold my head up the dizziness is so bad. This is the first I have been online all day! Let me know. Thanks
Yesterday morning I wrote a long post to you...but it poofed
I didn't have time to re-write it yesterday so I didn't forget about ya. I was very discouraged about what was going on with my vertigo also. The ER doctor basically just found the fluid and put me on antivert and a different medicine that started with an R...I will get the whole name if you want. In the ER I was given an antivert and this other med was pushed into my IV. Afterward I felt horribly sick, even fell asleep on some chairs waiting for my CT, this is totally unlike me. After I woke up got the CT they gave me fluids thru the IV....I haven't had a spell since. I can totally understand about the sinus infections, cuz before I had WLS mine would get horrible and last for months. The doctor said to increase my fluids, but I have stopped taking all the meds, except for the antibotics. I really felt out of control on the antivert and other med. I wish I had more answers for your...it is a horrible thing to happen to you. If you need anything..and I mean anything let me know.