Question of the Day
Gee, I'm so old I can hardly think of any teachers that I had!! My favorite would be a tie between Mrs. Bangma, my kindergarten teacher who said I had a sunny disposition and her husband, Mr. Bangma, who was my geometry teacher in high school. I didn't do well in his class, but always admired him so very much!!

I went to fourteen schools in 12 years so have a hard time remembering teachers. In the Philippine Islands I had a shorthand and typing teacher who scared me to death. I always pictured her as 6 feet tall and wearing combat boots. Saw her again a few years ago after over 40 years. She is real short and wears tennis shoes.
I am with Jan. I am an old woman and school was a long time ago. Let me see...........
Actually there was a class I took in high school that was called Business Office Education. It was the whole afternoon and we were simulating a business. We learned shorthand, typing, accounting, filing, etc in this class. The teacher was Mrs. Zimmerman. She was a hard core teacher and expected your best and she seemed to bring out the best in everyone.......even me. I worked very hard to learn everything so she wouldn't say "Miss Carol, Are we having difficulty understanding the assignment..????? Maybe we could work on it after hours!!!" I really wanted to clown around but she made me see the other side of me. The day she came to my desk and said "I have seen improvement lately" to me I felt I had accomplished great things. She made me work. I guess that is why I liked her. She saw through my clowning as a way to deal with my problems.
Good question, Amy.
How about you???

i have 3 teachers i will never forget.... one i snamed mrs safra... she was truly my angel... she helped me so much... we still talk.. she was my 9th grade english teacher.... mrs suarez she was one of my fav... we talked about EVERYTHING we even cried together... she kept me sane... and told me that i would be whatever i wanted to be and to never give up and to be brave.... i miss her... and mrs cook... she was amazing... she would do anything for anyone.. and she was alays there to talk...
Mrs. Walker, 5th grade. I had heard that she was mean, but she was my favorite, she wouldn't let me slack she even made me stay in during recess on my birthday because I didn't have my homework done. It was the first and only time I got straight A's. She would tell us stories almost everyday about something funny that happened to her or family. She had a cousin who was a writter for the Golden Girls and Alf, and he was acutally also from our area, it was the first I thought, WOW I can really go places from here.
I both loved her and feared her...........Mrs. Jeanette Evans. I had her for 2nd and 3rd grades. I give her credit for my great handwriting and love of spelling. My other favorite teacher was Mr. Colbert Peachtree, my band teacher. He was my first "crush". I was fortunate to attend the same schools from 1st to 12th grade. I have some happy memories!