so disgusted
i don't know why i have been feeling like this lately, but i am so disgusted with myself...i am starting to wear bigger clothes again and i feel ugly...i tried to talk to some other people about this, but they acted like i was fishing for compliments...i am now 189 from 320....thats -131 lbs in almost seven months...and i feel gross...i am starting to notice how squishy i am and my arms repulse me...i can't stay out of the gym trying to tone myself, and it is starting to wear me down considering the fact that i work and go to school full time.........awww...i just can't wait for these feelings to pass...i get so annoyed when ppl tell me how great i look and not only do i not understand why i am feeling like this, i feel like i have lost control again...also, i have a visit with my doc comming up and i know he is gonna say i am not losing fast enough...i have only lost 23 lbs since i last saw him in oct...i don't know what to do anymore......i think i just need a vacation from life...thanks for letting me vent ya'll...
The weight loss does slow down. I do not think that will be a big worry. Just make sure you are following the diet plan by getting in your fluids and proteins.
As far as being disqusted with your body. I can relate to that. I have more wrinkles than I ever had. Maybe you and I need some counseling. I wore a pair of shorts for the first time today and was conscious of the wrinkles around my knees that I never had before. Time to start looking into some "tucking".
ok... to me it sounds you are depressed... you are doing great.... mabye you should see a theripsit? i made an apt with one... i havent seen her in 2 years... i wish you the best... you are a wonderful person...i hope you see that... e-mail me if you need to talk... a vacation from life would be great... but i dont think that is possible... mabye you can take a semester fof at school for you to regroup? let me know how your doin
Hi Chaz, I have been feeling the same way lately. But, I do doubt that your Dr. will tell you that you are losing too slow. I called my dad today and he begged me to throw away the scale. I do sympathize with the wrinkle thing, my belly is so nasty, I can't even tell you, and my boobs have gone south. And my batwings are soooo visible! Since July, I have only lost 57 lbs., now THAT'S DEPRESSING.
I agree with Alexa, you need to do some psych. follow up. It is just as important as the vitamins. Let me know if you need a name of a good counselor.
Chaz, I can relate to your feelings. Your body has lost so much so fast that you can't keep up with it so of course you've got a lot of hanging skin that's just flabby. When you're done losing, you can look into plastics and fix that. Try to keep your eyes on the prize and your chin up! Good luck at your MD appointment too!!

131 pounds in 7 months sounds pretty darn good to me chaz. Sounds like you are pretty down and out. The weight loss also can cause your hormones to go wacky helping cause some depression. Would not hurt you to seek a little therapy.
I know what ya mean about the vacation from life, I used to get like that a lot when I was younger trying to raise 3 teens by myself. Helps to stop everything for a short period take a rest and regroup.
Hope you are feeling better.
This should take you to a post on the main board earlier today, puts things in perspective
My weight has slowed down a lot too, but that is supposed to happen, it's just so hard to accept initially when you have been losing so rapidly for several months. You are still doing great, your body is going thru so much in a short time and I'm sure your mind is too. I think you should try to come to the Lake Mary support group next week and see what some of the others have to say. There are some great people there who are a lot further out than you or I are so they might be able to offer you some perspective. I dont think therapy is a bad idea either if you think you cant work thru this yourself.
Dr. Overcash is going to ask you about your protein intake, how much you are eating and how often and your exercise routine. He knows the weight slows down after 6 months, so I seriously dont think he is going to beat you up since it sounds like you are on track. Cut yourself some slack, Girlie! You have done a great job and will continue to do so.
Hang in there!
Amy -135lb.
i ddon't know amy...he is different with me...its like he expects me to always exceed everyone else and is dissapointed when i don't....i wish i could go to that meeting, but unfortantley, i have to work...........hopefully i will be able to make the one in altamonte, but am not so sure about it.........
I know you are really busy with school and work a lot and I am so glad you are getting support from your friends, but I cant still help think you need to get some support and advice from people who have walked in your shoes and have already gone through some of the issues many of us have yet to face. There is a support group meeting this coming Wednesday night in Celebration, the one on the 18th in Lake Mary and then the M&G on Jan 22nd. I hope you can squeeze one into your busy schedule.