I feel silly
I have my consult for Dr. Jawad's office on Tuesday. I know if seems silly but I am really nervous. It has taken me SO LONG to make the step, that now that the time has come I feel somewhat foolish. I know that its just my old habits creeping up on me. I have been overweight my whole life and to be honest, I'm scared of how things will be after its all over. Please someone tell me that they felt the same way. I'm lucky that my family supports me 100%. The only issue that I have had so far (other than my mind) is that my PCP refused to even acknowledge that I spoke to him on WLS. He just patted my head and said "be good kiddo" I was so mad!!! So now I need to find a new PCP. I would really appreciate any advised that anyone has. My insurance is BCBS of AR (PPO) THank you

You will do fine. I would think (I am pre-op) this is somewhat akin to "first date" jitters; new doctor, new place, etc. You are indeed fortunate that your family supports your decision. They will be a very important part of all of this. I have heard a lot of good things about Dr. Jawad and his staff, so I really do not think you have anything to worry about. Good luck to you. And let us know how it goes.
Thats the odd part. Except for that one thing, he has been a GREAT doctor. I am really sad. I will have to change and that's a shame. Funny thing, when I took my Aunt to chemo today, there was a little book that gave info on all the Doc's in the office and what they special interests were. My PCP had "Weight management" under his interest! Ha what a joke!

I think we can all relate to the first appointment jitters....Just thinking the surgeon is gonna say YOU... are not a candidate...but all will go well.
As far as PCP... I had talked to mine about a year before surgury about wls and she poo pood it and referred me to her nutritionest. I spent a year working with her. A year later after losing then gaining right back I went to the surgeon and then back to my PCP to tell her I wanted to have the surgury. I went in her office fully expecting a fight, ready to change PCP's. To my suprise she supported me 100 percent.
Best wishes on your journey....and with your PCP issues..
Hi Mary, I just want to let you know that the staff at Dr. Jawads office are all very nice. If this is your first visit you prob. will not even see Dr. Jawad you will see his nurse, I think her name is Sylvia.
That stinks about your PCP You need one that will support you on your decision.
I think its great when I hear about family support because I didnt have that at first. A lot of my family still dont know and I'm having my surgery this Monday. I wish you the best of luck with everything and try not to be to nervous for your consult you'll be sitting in a room with people just like yourself. Good Luck, Stephanie