New Obesity Ranking
I went to pick up my letter from my PCP today (what a joke!) so I could fax my packet off to Dr. Thoburn. Well, when I read the "letter" it said that I am "markedly obese"
I guess this is a new ranking I didn't know about. He wouldn't even put medically necessary. I went ahead and faxed it, but I am going to see a new PCP on the 19th anyway. Hopefully I can get a good letter from a new PCP.
Markedly Obese

Your PCP does sound like a jerk and an uneducated one at that! I've never seen or heard of "markedly" obese. Sheezz - where did THAT come from?? As for him not stating the surgery is "medically necessary" - do you have letters from your other doctors (not your surgeon) saying it is med. nec.? If not, get letters from your pulmonologist, cardiologist, ob/gyn, orthopedic doc, chiropractor, ANY other doctor.
I used the "form" letter on this site asking each of my doctors for a letter of medical necessity (except for ob/gyn - since I've had a complete hysto. weight is no longer a gyn issue). After reading my request, every single one of them (inc. my PCP) wrote a letter of medical necessity. My surgeon sent all of them to my insurance co. Although it took them over 3 months, I was approved by BCBS on the first try.
Good luck & I hope your new PCP is more WLS friendly!
Vickie J.

Hey Vickie,
I plan on seeing the new PCP on the 19th and I'm already having my records sent to him. I know he's WLS friendly bc my friend goes to him which is how I learned about him to begin with. I have only been to myob/gyn once and that's it for my docs down here. I have only been down here for a couple of years. I'm gonna put it in God's hands!
Just so you PCP just wrote the basics on his letter. Weight, size, health problems, etc---and I was still approved. This is jsut to say that you dont have to be precise as the letter on here states. It most likely just depends on who you are useing. Not to say you cant use it---I am just saying what worked for me on getting approved. Hope it all works out for you Kim.
Someone who knows she is obese

I wish mine was that specific! He just put that I'm "markedly obese" and I have some health issues and he thinks I should see a bariatric surgeon for an opinion. It was insane! I just laughed! I tried telling him over and over what it needed, showed him even, and i was blown off. C'est la vie! I'm not gonna stress myself over it.
My ex-husband took a VERY flattering picture of me once. I was walking with my sister-in-law who was only about 120 lbs. lighter than I was. Talk about "markedly obese"!!!! Anyway, I printed a copy of that hideous photo and sent it in with my information to the insurance company so they could see for themselves what I looked like! Just an idea you might want to think about.