My surgery was on December 8, but three days into my recovery I developed ARDS (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome) which is sort of like lung failure. I was put on a ventilator for 8 days in a medically induced coma. I was in the hospital for a total of 3-1/2 weeks and was released on 12/31. Today is the first day I've felt like signing on.
I'm still very weak and the pulmonologist said it could take 6-12 months for my lungs to heal. All of my doctors say the ARDS was not a complication of my bypass surgery and would have happened at some point whether I was at home, driving a car or anywhere else. They tell me I was very lucky I was in the hospital when it happened. I was up and walking and doing everything I was supposed to do when the ARDS developed.
The RNY was a success, but I was tube fed through a PIC line in my neck while in the hospital so I haven't lost any weight at all. I needed the calories and nutrition to allow my body the energy to fight the ARDS. Even though it's been almost a month since my surgery, my surgeon told me to act like I was on week 2 of the eating plan which is liquid/pureed food. I go to the soft diet on Monday.
WOW, it sounds like you have been through quite an ordeal. I am so sorry you faced such horrible complications, but as stated prior, it seems like you were at the right place~at the right time to get the appropriate help. Best wishes for a speedy recovery and an easier transition to being post-op now that you are home and more comfortable.
Please let us know how you are doing!

I'm definitely no expert, so don't listen to a word I say, but I always thought that ARDS was a complication that could happen after any surgery. Maybe because of anesthesia? Anyway, I've had lots of patients with ARDS following surgery and all I know is that this can be VERY serious!!! VERY!! I'm sure if your pulmonologist says ARDS can come on at any time, then that's true, and that's one scary thought.
I'm so glad you're doing better. I had NO idea you were going through all this. Take good care of those lungs of yours and update us when you're feeling up to it!!