I need help
Hi Shannon,
What insurance do you currently have? Where are you located? Is medicaid an option?
I know how you feel and hopefully you will find what your looking for! I have surgery on July 21st, with Dr. Cox in Ft. Lauderdale. I also had Medicaid - Medipass! I am more then willing to help you with some resources or more info. email me anytime!
[email protected]

What kind of help do you need? We can offer you lots of support and encouragement, but what exactly are you needing from us right now?
Do you have a PCP, have you spoken to a surgeon, gone to any info sessions, need insurance advice???? Give us some more info, Girlie! WE're here to help as much as we can.
Shannon, you have recognized that you need help. You've got a host of knowledge on this site and plenty of people that will help guide you if you feel WLS is something you want and need. Initial steps need to be going to an informational bariatric meeting, finding out what your insurance coverage is and an appointment with your primary care physician. We are all here to help.