Question of the Day Returns!
And it's about darn time, too, young lady!!! I've been suffering terrible withdrawals this past week or so and I've been cranky for no obvious reason, so I can only attribute it to lack of questions!!!
I didn't do anything exciting for the holiday except work on call as usual. The cats were quite freaked out by the strange, loud noises outside in the neighborhood, but otherwise, it was a typical weekend.
Today is Rhonda T.'s big day, so please keep her in your thoughts and prayers today!!!

I agree with Jan!!! Life has been very hard with out the questions.
Yes, I cooked black-eyed peas, collard greens and I also made pulled pork BBQ. It was very good. I had a little of each and did pretty well on it. We were home with the girls and some of their friends stopped in. I would rather they been at home so they had friends over for a party (non-alcoholic) and they all just camped out in the TV room. I would rather them all be here than out on the roads. Even though their heads are clear, there are some on the roads that aren't. It was a nice way to bring in the new year.
I started this year with a new outlook on life. No more diet planning. I know I have found the right way to become a healthier person. I have been stuck at -50# now since before Christmas and I started feeling down about it until my hubby reminded me that every other holiday I would be complaining because I had GAINED some weight. Guess I will be happy that I didn't do that.
I hope everyone had a great weekend.
Happy 2005!!

We had a quiet New years. We never go out on New Years eve, we figure it is safer to stay home. I cooked black eyed peas/hog jowls and collards for New Years day, as is the southern tradition. Funny story. My DH is not from the south. Now he likes the peas -- but the collards no way. But on New Years I always put a tiny bit of collards under the peas on his plate. This is the 19th year I have done this. But this year he surprised me and said "better give me a spoonful of those greens". You could have knocked me over with a feather. Gotta love that man of mine!!
I hope 2005 exceeds your expectations of happiness, security, prosperity and love.
I thought it was pork and cabbage for luck...and something about cooking a penny in the pork and whoever gets it will have good luck...or a cracked tooth!
I went to dinner with my old roommate...her house was broken into while she was at her parents so she didn't want to do much else. I had just driven 4 hours back from Cleveland so I wasn't up for much partying either. We were talking in her backyard...yes, it was warm enough in Ohio to be outside for an extended period of time (long enough for her to smoke a cigarette)
When we realized it was almost midnight, thankfully the theives left her TV in the kitchen so we just caught the ball dropping!
Now I am back in Sunny Miami and already dealing with Drs and insurance headaches again. Today I had 25 vials of blood rule out hyper-cogaualation (sp?). Because I had a DVT in September (Amy, deep vein thrombosis, i.e. blood clot in my leg) and the negative results from the tests done in the hospital I guess weren't good enough to show that I don't have a clotting problem...I had cellulitis which inflames the vessels and I was stuck on my couch waiting out Frances. I actually have the opposite problem...I bruise and bleed easily!!!

Happy New Year to All!
My husband & I always have an Open House Party. Although this year I think most our friends (approx. 30) came and stayed until 12:30 - 2:00. We had a wonderful time.
My family is originally from the North so our New Years day consists of sauerkraut, white beans, dumpling, ham & corn bread and we always spend the day at my grandparents.
Soon to be a Loser!
Well, New Year's Day is also my birthday! I turned 39 and to be honest, it is always a hard time of year for me being so close to Christmas. To top it all off, my son just turned 13 today, so in answer to your question, I spent alot of the day Saturday in bed waiting for it to be over! LOL! I wish you all a joyous and prosperous New Year!