Home, 12 inch scar, NO bypass surgery, BAD liver instead- LONG
I has wls on 8/12/03, I was suppose to have it 8/07/03 my surgeon opened me up and closed me right back up because he said I had cirhosis that was really bad ...When I awoke he told me and I was so disapointed,He told me I needed a transplant and it was at the end stages of cirhosis and I needed a transplant fast,Anyway he talked to me and told me I would either have to loose at least 50 lbs. to have a transplant or I coul have the wls and it would be risky,But he advised me that if I didnt loose the weight I could die from not having a transplant I decided to have surgery becouse I knew I wouldnt be able to loose on my own ...I had the surgery and was o.k. no bad complications I have been seeing a liver specialist and my liver even though I have cirhosis I will be o.k he said he couldnt feel my liver at my last visit and my labs were fine (first visit he could feel it was enlarged). I would keep pushing to have the surgery I feel the surgery saved my life....