Home, 12 inch scar, NO bypass surgery, BAD liver instead- LONG
Hi everyone,
I wanted to say thanks for all of your prayers and words of encouragement during my insurance denials and getting ready for surgery. I did have surgery on 122804 but when the doctor opened me up, he found that my liver was 80% cirrous (scarring). He was concerned that the surgery would kill me so he took a liver biopsy and closed me up. Turns out that currently my liver is working at 100% but I will need a liver transplant in 5-10 years. The kicker is , no one will give you a liver transplant if your bmi is over 36 so I have to lose the weight somehow- the liver specialist is going to recommend me for the gastric bypass but we have to convince the surgeon to take that risk and do it. Part of me just wants to give up- especially after being cut open anyway for nothing. I have never been a drinker- he said there are many reasons this could have happened but it takes a week to get the biopsy results.
I am just so sad and depressed and I am sore all over. Even though I can eat, my stomach stays upset and I don't want to eat. I am in a crappy place right now.

Oh Terri, I'm so glad that you posted! I've been worrying about you. I can imagine how emotionally drained you must be right now. Please don't give up. You deserve a long, healthy future. Bypass or no bypass we'll all be here to help you through this! If you feel up to it, please still come to our meetup on Saturday.
Big Hugs & Lots of Prayers,
Erika L

I am so sorry about all that happened. You have been on our minds and were dfinitely in our prayers. I am sure you are a bag of emotions right now, I will hope that you find peace in your heart soon. As the others said, I also believe everything happens for good reason, so hang in there and work on getting healthy with or without WLS so you can qualify for a new liver. We're here to support you in anyway necessary or just as another source of comfort or for venting.
Take good care,