Went "Miami" on them!
I was warned that when I went back to Ohio I would realize how much living in Miami had changed me. O.K. so I find myself calling pop "soda" more often and the buggy at Wal-mart a "cart". But nothing compares to going "Miami" on people back home. It happened such a short time after I arrived in town, the morning after I got home (had to drive 2 hours in snow to just get 45 minutes from the airport, then had another 1 1/2 half to get home), I picked my mom up from work and went out to breakfast.
On the way home we came to a 3-way intersection with a continuous green light for right turns, well the truck in front of me stoped and was waiting for the other light to turn green also...I IMMEDIATELY honked my horn, he didn't move so I honked a couple of more times...my mom said "stop, people in southern Ohio will pull a gun on you for doing that."