Next Central FL Meet and Greet
Just a reminder that our next Meet and Greet for ANYone in the Central FL area or those interested in a roadtrip will be on Saturday, January 22 at noon. I am still trying to secure a meeting room, but if I can't do that, we'll hold it like we have in the past at the Altamonte Mall foodcourt (more to follow on that). For those of you who haven't been to one of these yet, it is NOT a formal support group but rather a casual setting to meet friends from this message board, exchange clothing, share before pictures, share books or recipes, etc. We started this in June to get to know each other better and it has grown to be a wonderful setting to make new friends and share our experiences, advice and support for anyone in the WLS process. We are a great group of folks and welcome any newbies or family and friends, the more the merrier
Again, more to follow on location specifics.
-131 lb.