Sick & need help
I caught a terrible cold while visiting family for the holidays and it feels like it is going into my chest - bronchitis or pneumonia. This is not unusual for me but my problem is that my pre-op visit with my surgeon is Monday. I'm afraid if I'm still sick, he'll delay my surgery. HELP!! What should I do besides call my PCP? Should I call my surgeon or just pray that I'm better by Monday?
Vickie J.
Thanks for the input. I'm call my PCP as soon as he opens this morning.
Based on what my surgeon's office gal told me, I'm expecting to get a mid to late Jan. surgery date when I see him on Monday. Which means if this mess would stay just a cold I could let it run it's course. Unfortunately, past history tells me if this does turn into pneumonia or bronchitis, it will take 6-8 weeks to get rid of it! Boo!!! Hopefully, I'll be able to get something from my PCP to help me fight it off before it gets to that point.
I won't risk the surgery with a weakened respiratory system. A friend of mine forgot to tell her surgeon she'd had an asthma attack a few days before her surgery and woke up on a ventalor and thought she was dying. Scared her to death!! She spent 3 days on the vent and an extra 5 days in the hospital. I don't want the same thing to happen to me!!
Vickie J.