You all are wonderful!!!!
Guys, I just wanted to say how nice it is to have all of you in my life, since WLS. It is so comforting knowing that you are all out there and that we all have gone through similar experiences. Yesterday, I accidently took a gulp of my mouth wash and went on driving, did not even think about the effect it could have on me. I remembered then that a few weeks ago I had 3 sips of a 'rum & diet coke' and I was "3 sheets to the wind!" I got really scared and called Chazlin to ask her about the alcohol content on mouth wash, she was so nice and caring! It ended up that I was just fine, and when I got to my friend's house he took over the driving duties, but it meant the world to me to have someone to call, when I needed... THANK YOU CHAZ!!!!!

Sorry I missed your call, I was battling the I-4 corridor at that time, traffic is awful with all the tourists here for the holidays.
Isn't it a great thing to find new friends even if it is thru a forum like this? So many of us have crossed paths on here that would have never crossed EVER. I love this group and the spirit in which it continues.
Glad you found relief chatting with Chazlin, but why in the heck are you swallowing mouthwash...blech
Take care,