Back on Track
I think things are starting to go back on track! Well sort of anyway...I'm still dealing with this stinkin MRSA, but thankfully my internist gave me the meds so I was able to stay out of the hospital for Christmas! My family got snowed in back home in KY, but were able to fly in on Christmas Eve and left out on Monday. I was just so glad to be able to spend the holidays with them, even though I was very sick! Now for some possibly good news, I went to see my PCP this morning for my BP med refills, and his nurse gave me my referral for Dr. Thoburn (although I have a ppo and dont need a referral) So this time I came prepare and showed him the paperwork from Dr. T's office showing I have to have a letter from my PCP before they will make the first appointment. FINALLY I got a small amount of sense into him and he's going to write my letter! Now I am BACK to making a psych appointment, although I'm going to search better this time for someone who will write the letter and not charge an additional $75 for one.
It's wonderful to hear you got to spend time with your family for Christmas! I am sorry you are still dealing with the MRSA, but pray with the meds. it keeps it under control and you out of the hosp.
Already it seems as though 2005 will be a better year for you!!!
I hope you get your letter from your PCP and find a reasonable psych.
Best of Luck!