High BP?
I had RNY in June. I've lost a bunch and I am SO Happy with Dr. English and the whole experience. There does however seem to be a small fly in the ointment.
I was taken off of my BP meds in October. I was fine until last week whent to th otor on a totally ubrelated item and during a routine BP check ..... it was 184/120.
So back on meds and having all sorts of tests. Including an EKG that came back different from the one I have before the surgery. SOmeone suggested that it might be a problem absorbing a few vitamins and minerals like B or Calcium.
Any experience with the wacky BP? Just waiting on tests at this point.
Hello! I hope your BP gets under control and you are off your meds soon! You will be in my prayers! I know for me, I never had any problems with my BP prior to surgery. Since the time i came out of surgery though my BP has been high and out of whack. I now take medication I never had to take before and just keep praying it will slowly get back to normal.
I wish you the best!

Funny you should bring up this topic - I was wondering... how do you deal with you HBP post op? I was told there was no BP meds that were in liquid form, so I haven't had my BP meds since my surgery (12/14). I know they said eventually I would be able to stop the meds, but I didn't think that meant IMMEDIATELY. Anyone have any insight? I hope things get back under control for you soon, Kathy!!!!!!!!!!!!
You can dissolve the bp meds in liquid, for the first few months I just put them in Crystal Lite Orange Sunshine in a plastic bottle and let them sit until dissolved and drank them. It works real well as long as there is not a coating on the pill. Otherwise, you can crush them and add to liquid the same way. It works! Good luck, Jan (go Gators!)