2 more days
Oh, Girl, this is a whole lot more important than the last time you saw your ex-bf! Getting a handle on your weight and your health will open up so many opportunities for you, especially since you are young. Typically, thin and healthy people are viewed as more successful, make more money, get promoted more quickly and are more accepted by society so this is your chance to claim all that you deserve and never let it go! Plus, just imagine what that stupid ex-bf will say when he sees you post op and at goal or better yet, imagine the new bf you'll have who is SO much better than the old one ever could be.
Regarding your conference call: You'll be fine! Be prepared for your call, this is like a business meeting or interview where you need to sell yourself so make sure you know all the points you want to make and are professional, yet be yourself. This is the one chance you have to win them over so you need to be on point.
We'll be thinking of you on Thursday and sending you lots of positive vibes. What time is your call? Will anyone be there with you for support?
Good luck!