Kathie L. Is Out Of Surgery And Fine!
I visited Kathie briefly today and she was in a chair, but not all that awake. She sort of drifted in and out, but I didn't take that to mean she didn't find my personality sparkling and that I was putting her to sleep!
I got to visit with her handsome hubbie, and compare some notes on what she can expect. I'll go back tomorrow after her NG tube is out and after her leak test. Hopefully she'll be more awake then!
She's doing just GREAT and I thought you'd want to know!

I think it's hard to drool with an NG tube going down your throat, but she was holding on to the stuffed animal I brought her and when she fell asleep at one point, she dropped it on the floor!
Because she lives so far away, she's staying at ORMC one extra day, so she won't be going home tomorrow.