Must haves for hospital stay ????
Okay I had my surgery in May and this list may help you.
1- lose fitting clothes. possibly a robe to wear home under some loose pj's.
2- a travel pillow or something for the car ride back and possibly in the hospital to put under you or something.
3- socks! my feet FROZE the whole time until my mom went and bought me some socks.
4- a calling card if you must make any ld calls if you dont have a cell phone
5- lip balm is def a must!
6- slippers will work as well. something you can put on and walk in the halls with and you can wear them home.
right now at 415 am thats about all i can think of lol
Another thing is wet wipes. It makes clean up after restroom visits easier.
Also, a pair of tongs. Reaching is a problem for a lot of people. Tongs hold wet wipe......helps you wipe yourself instead of having to ask for help.
Good luck on your surgery. I had my surgery in Jax but I actually live in the panhandle. You will do fine.
I will be praying for you.
Will be waiting to hear from your Angel on how you are doing.

Hi Terri, Lynn from Branford had all the right things. Keep you list short. The hospital has great sox, at least mine did, and they even had a fan in the room (Tampa General), and yes I did use it for the first 2 or three days in a regular room ( I didn't get out of ICU for 4 days then a total hospital stay of 11 days, but this wasn't a complication of WLS... I was a complicated revision).
All in all I mostly slept, or watched some TV. Make sure you bring the lip balm...I used it often. Walk every time you get a chance. Even in the middle of the night if you want. Use that breathing thing they give you, it works, and keep the binder on, even when you get home. It is your friend!
It's 3 months out and I feel better than I have in 20 years! What a wonderful 2005 gift you are giving yourself!
I will be praying for a speedy and uneventful recovery for you.
Hugs and Happy New Year!
I think most of the basics were covered by the others. Definitely remember a pillow for cushioning your tummy for the drive home, it helps with the potholes, speed bumps and overall bad roads. I loved my Burt's Bees peppermint lip balm, it was like dessert to me when I couldnt eat or drink anything yet and my lips were SO dry.
Make sure your husband has something to read or to keep himself busy while you are sleeping. My sister and Mom read magazines and did word searches while I was snoozing off my pain meds.
Good luck to you, we'll be anxious to hear how things are going and are all here to support you when you need it.
Take care,

Dear Terri,
TAKE the tongs!!
I didn't, and when the nurse had to wipe me, I cried so much!!
It was so humiliating to me... Also, I hate hospitals and I needed something to keep me from going crazy, so take yourself an inspirational book, I took my bible, some people take "chicken soup for the soul" or anything else that is uplifting to your spirit and easy, short readings.
My mom took her kniting needles and sat next to me. My dad was there a lot. I had many visitors that I did not know, they were post op patients, I was so happy to see them! People I did not even know! Good luck, you will be just fine.
Dear Terri,
I brought all sorts of stuff to the hospital and I didn't use a thing!!! Munroe General Hospital in Ocala supplied me with socks, a fan, and everything else that I could think of. I had a lap and I got there at 6am Tuesday and I was discharged by 230 on Wednesday. Onthe 2 hour trip home, I put the seat in max recline position, took my Vicodin Elixer and slept most of the way.
The only thing that I needed was a lot of encouragement when I got home, because I was so bloated from the fluids and the gas. I felt really ugly when I looked into the mirror and saw my G tube and JP, and HUGE stomach. It took nearly a week for the swelling to go down and I felt so much better when it did.
God Bless,