I HATE cars!
Earlier this month, I poured $1600 into my car because the warranty had just expired...funny how that happens. Well right now, I am currently stranded at a friend's house, who as luck would have it, had asked me to come get her since her battery was dead and she had to leave it at work. So here I am at her home, ready to leave this morning and now MY car wont start! One of the items the dealership was supposed to have fixed was the hood latch and cable which wasn't allowing me to open my hood to see what the engine troubles were. Well after $180 to fix that alone, I still can't open the hood to see if it's just my battery, connections or something else. That's what I get for not checking it myself and assuming that after spending a ton of money, things would actually be fixed. So now I will have to have my car towed to town (she lives 15 miles from civilization) tomorrow of course since nothing is open today. I can't believe this...I am so mad at the dealer right now as well
as my stupid car!!!!!
Sorry, I just had to vent on here since my friend feels horrible already and I dont want to make her feel any worse. Please say a prayer or send me some good karma today and tomorrow, cause I am about over vehicles and have a serious lack of funds in the bank account.

I wish we all rode horses sometimes.
I am sending you good thoughts and good karma to get past the anger of bad cars. Apparently your car might have caught the dead battery syndrome from your friends car. I am going to stay away from my car at least 4 hours to make sure I didn't pick up any of it through the computer.
Sorry you had bad things today but just try to relax and enjoy some extra down time with your friend. MAYBE you are just supposed to be there today.

Well, I have good news to report. I asked my friend if I could PLEASE park in one of her garages (yes, she has two) after we managed to get back to her house after the numerous stall outs. I told her my car was spoiled and maybe she just wanted a warm place to recoup before our long drive home. Anyway, my friend laughed and I pulled Miss X. Plorer into the garage, we even turned the ceiling fan on for her
! Two hours later and with all your good karma, I went to check on her and she started right up and after I drove her around some country roads for a few minutes without any stalling, I realized that it would be safe to drive home (60 miles).
I think that with all the rain we've had and the cold, the battery cables must have gotten wet or had condensation on them or something weird like that. Anyway, I managed to get back home, got my friend a new battery for her car~put that in all by ourselves (we were so proud cause neither of us had done that before and we only had a pair of pliers) and now all I need to do is deal with the dealership tomorrow over the broken hood issue. The only good thing in all this is that I get to see the gorgeous service manager again at the dealership
Thanks for sending good thoughts my way!

Oh Amy, I know how you feel. I have also had car trouble this month on top of Christmas. I always seem to be lucky enough to have the most expensive things go wrong. I was lucky this time it turned out to be less than $1,000 It was $910, ya!
If I rode a horse, the horse would die.
Prayers to you
and your stupid car
enough said