Checking In - 6 days Post Op...
Hi everyone... I made it. Survived the initial experience. Admitted on 12/14, dc'd the morning of 12/17. They tried for the afternoon on 12/16, but I said no. The at home experience has been an eye opener, to say the least. I had the Open-RNY Distal. Closed up with disolveable stitches and skin glue; I have a kinda cute incision, as incisions were. Long (about 6- 6 1/2 inches), but not wide at all (perhaps as wide as a cell phone charger cord). Anyway; getting a grip on liquid/protein in-take is quite the challenge!!! I'll just keep working at it tho'. Started having egg drop soup (just the broth, not the egg) yesterday, and it seems to work well. Haven't thrown up behind anything yet... Avoiding the liquid Zantac and Colace like the plague
... trying to come up with a better solutions - anything chewable out there????? Thanks for all of your prayers and support, and when I have more energy, I will be back!!! God bless you all and have a wonderful Christmasss!!!!!!!!!!!!!