CPAP machine
I have been using a CPAP for a little over a year now. It was not the easiest thing to get used to. But I truly believed I needed it--so I just kept at it. Now I wonder if I can even sleep without it. I went through a couple of different masks before I found one that worked for me. You may have to try different masks or the nasal pillows till you find what you are comfortable with. But one thing I did do, every night I put it on and kept it on. If I ripped it off in my sleep-- I did not fret over it. I think if you truly believe you need it and that it will help you -- you can get used to it. If you do not really buy into needing it, I think it will be a tough row to hoe.
I have been using the CPAP for several months now, it took some time getting used to. For the first couple nights I was ripping it off my face. I just felt like I was sufficating. Eventually I raised to air pressure and now I sleep like a baby. I am aslo a stomach sleeper and still sleep on my stomach I just paise the hose to the top of my head instead of letting it hang. It works for me. I know all machines are differant. Good Luck with it.
hi ...i have been on a cpap for about 4 years is hard at first but i found that the pillows and nose fitting worked best for me . i also found that i had a hard time with regular pillows . i found that if i use these pillows that are made out of some type of wheat ..or husks that it helped me keep the head gear on . i found the pillows in the home health dept .
talk to the company that is supplying the machine to see what kinds of masks and pillows they have . good luck