I had my one month check-up...actually it won't be a month for a week but they do appointments every third thursday of the month for pos-ops. I am down 26 pounds. No major problems, I have been lucky and have been tolerating everything I eat...pureed that is...Sunday I get to start of regular foods.
My only problem has been pain on the right side due to a suture they put in my muscle during surgury. It is OK during the day, no problems standing, sitting or walking, but when I am laying down if I turn any which way it feels like a knife is stabbing me. The docter said they had to manipulate the muscle to get through it in surgury and had to suture it after to prevent a future hernia and it will be sore for awhile. Sooo I got more pain pills to take at night to help me sleep.
I can deal with this. I am back to work, did great. I was a little worried because I am on my feet all day and I work 12 hour shifts. I was a little tired after my shift but felt good.