Do you know the risk factors?
I went for a mammogram/ultrasound yesterday among a some other things. I only needed the ultrasound of my breast, but when the doctor came in to review things, and while she was looking more closely with the ultrasound she asked me if I knew the risk factors for breast cancer. I told her "yes, I do". Then she paused, and said "well, the reason I ask is because weight is one. I said "yes, I know I had WLS and have lost close to 200lbs." Oh well, that's good.
Argh, I really feel bad when I am in this situation, and I seem to be in it a lot since I am seeing a bunch of doctors and they know my surgeon does WLS, but I am seeing her for hernia repair. During the upper GI they asked so what the surgery didn't work....IT WORKED ENOUGH SO FAR!!! Yes, I know I am still SMO, and they have no idea that I started over 500lbs. But I feel like I should just carry my pictures with me so I can prove that I have made progress.
I almost had a break down in he breast suite because I needed a bigger gown and they had to send for them. And I felt out of place because everyone else waiting had a gown but I didn't. Oh, did I mention I hadn't taken my medication because I wasn't suppose to eat or drink. I know this is totally whack, since I have been in that situation a MILLION times before. But for some reason I was almost in tears.
It is sad that there are so many insensitive people out there. I am sure most of this information was in your chart, in front of them and they did not take the time to read it before flapping their jaw.
Personally I think you look great. 200 pounds is awsome. soon you will be half the person you started as. You are doing soooooo good....
I can remember an incident about 10 years ago. My regular docter was not in the office and I had to see an associate. I had been on a diet I was 296 to start and had lost 63 pounds. The docter never looked at my chart he looked at my weight and stated "You need to go on a diet" My reply was you need to read the charts of your patients.....I wanted to smack him.
Keep up the great work.....
I had a sleep consult Monday, basically just showed him study from 2002 that showed SA, then the re-do this past June that showed I no longer had it. He asked me if the doctors or I knew what caused the improvement...I said the fact I lost 200 lbs.!!! He said oh I see this study from June didn't list your weight...but I wanted to say do I look like I weigh 480 like the one from 2002 stated?
Unfortunately, we dont carry our personal weightloss like a big badge on our chests so we are going to have to deal with people's assumptions and ignorance.
I can relate to your pain/embarrassment about feeling like the pink elephant in the room in regards to being the only one not in a gown. I remember during my cardiac stress test pre op, they kept corralling people in and out of the room that I was in. Here I am laying on this tiny table with this contraption that barely fit rotating around my body, smashing my boobs. I felt like I was on display for all to see and the most wonderful part about it all was that I got to go thru it TWICE since the first set of tests didnt capture in their computer.
You have come so far and accomplished so much, dont let those moments take any of that away from you. If you shed any tears, shed them from the joy because you are blossoming into the beautiful butterfly you knew was always inside of you.
Take care,

Well, well, Well Sarah...... after reading all the JUNK you have been through with the medical profesion lately, it reminds me of the old bumper sticker.
" I'm fat - but you are STUPID. Fortunately I can diet!" Maybe we should all have little cards made up and hand them out to folks like you've just ran into! I think we both know some doctors who would have LOTS of these cards given to them!
You are wonderful for the courageous fight you are winning!
Hugs and Happy Holidays.

Hi Sarah, I went to your profile. You are doing great. You are looking great. I'm sorry you were put though that. You are doing such a wonderful
job. Just keep your chin up high. One day very soon you will not have to put up with those incentive people. Your picture looks wonderful. I know you are feeling better. Just keep on keeping on. It is so understandable why you felt close to tears. You have work so hard and you get "What the surgery didn't work"!!! You gave a good answer though. Maybe carrying a picture with you might be a good idea to shut them up. Once thay see your picture thay can only go. WOW!! Because you look great
girlfriend!! Take care, Debra